Monday, March 15, 2010

Upcoming reviews

I'm now field testing the Nikon manual focus Nikkor 35mm f1.4 AI-S, and the Nikon 400mm f/2.8 AI-S. The 35mm f/1.4 is the next review that's due. There will be some time before the 400mm is ready for a review as I need to test the lens waaaay more before I can give it any verdict.

Nikon D90 Review is out

Just added Nikon D90 Review

A quick quote from the review "If you have ever used a Nikon Dslr in the past, you will be up and shooting pictures in a second and never look back. If you haven't used a Nikon camera in the past or if you have moved from another brand, you will also be up and shooting in a second. Digging through the menus you can really unlock all the power of the D90. I find that the Jpeg files straight from the camera are a bit soft, and lacks a bit of contrast. This can all be fixed easily with the Picture control settings."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nikon Nikkor-P 600mm f/5.6 Pre-AI Review

Just added a new review: Nikon Nikkor-P 600mm f/5.6 Pre-AI with CU-1 Review

At one point in time this was the lens for sports and wildlife photography. Check the review to see how it performs on the very modern Nikon D3.