Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nikon Updates

Well finally Nikon is doing something right. Maybe they realized that having the best cameras is only 30% of the job. Nikon just released some new lenses, and this seems to just be the beginning Quote: "We intend to expand and strengthen the NIKKOR lineup with the steady release of new, high-performance lenses compatible with the FX format." This is indeed about time. Of course there are several lenses, and more equipment that is still missing. But more about that in another post.

The lenses that were unveiled are:

AF-S NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED VR more info on the lens can be found ->here<-

and the sexy looking:

AF-S NIKKOR 24mm f/1.4G ED more info on this gem can be found ->Here<-

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